Arncliffe, NSW: Was Known as Cobbler's Hill

Arncliffe is located 11 kilometres south of the Sydney central business district (CBD).

The Gweagal, Bidjigal and Gadigal Clans

Aboriginal people of the the Gweagal, Bidjigal and Gadigal Clans lived a mobile lifestyle. mostly staying near water sources, in the region.

The valleys of Wolli Creek and Bardwell Creek show evidence of Aboriginal people with smoke-blackened caves.

Early information was recorded about Aboriginal people by David Collins (author) and James Neagle (engraver), in, An account of the English colony in New South Wales with remarks on the dispositions, customs, manners, &c. of the native inhabitants of that country …, 1798. Read here
Drawings by Messrs. Howitt, Atkinson, Clark, Manskirch, &c. : with a supplement of New South Wales [ca. 1819]. Read here


William Hirst, created a subdivision in 1840, named The Village of Arncliffe Estate. William Hirst was born in Settle, Yorkshire, England. Arncliffe is named after a small village called Arncliffe in North Yorkshire, England.

The first inn at Arncliffe was the "Yorkshireman's Arms", from 1842.

In 1843, Forest Road, part of Surveyor General Thomas Mitchell's line of road to the Illawarra District, commenced, using convict labour.

Surveyor General Thomas Mitchell' reported Georges River' was marked and recommended the supply of a punt. On 1 July 1843, Mitchell reported that a ferry was in place. A hand-winced ferry with a capacity of two horse-drawn carts or three with skilful manoeuvring and the rear gate left partly open was established, replacing the previous row boat system. The road pursued the ridges from Arncliffe to Lugarno, where a punt crossed the Georges River.
Propeller (Hurstville, NSW : 1911 - 1954)
Auction of land at Arncliffe.
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 28 February 1845
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 30 July 1844
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 15 August 1848,


Arncliffe Hill was known as Cobbler's Hill and the area became the vegetable garden for Sydney.

From 1853-60, Levi Barden was the licensee of the Bold Forrester Inn, on Wollongong Road, Arncliffe.

People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (Sydney, NSW : 1848-1856), Saturday 15 November 1856
ANNUAL LICENSING MEETING, SYDNEY, 1857: Thomas William Lane, Governor Denison Inn, Cook's River. Arncliffe.



In 1872, a Publican Licence was granted for the Highbury Barn, on the corner of Barden Street and Forest Road. Arncliffe. Frewin Sleath, the licensee of the Highbury Barn Inn, also operated a quarry.
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 4 September 1879,


Brothers, Thomas and Alexander Milsop bought land on Wollongong Rd in 1884 and built identical houses, Belmont and Fairview.

171 Wollongong Road Arncliffe, was built by Frederick John Gibbins and completed in 1885. It is currently the Macquarie Lodge Retirement Village.

William George Judd's estate "Athelstane" was built near the corner of Wollongong Road and Dowling Street, about 1884. The estate of seven acres was later reduced to 2 acres. Judd arranged for a bridge to be built over Wolli Creek and also had land set aside for parks at Arncliffe, Marrickville and Penshurst.

William George Judd and Family Outside "Atheistane, Arncliffe, NSW(The Education Department resumed the land in 1949 for a school)

In December 1884, a post office was opened when Arncliffe Railway Station opened.

"Mintaville"/St Joseph's Convent was built by Robert James Parish in 1887, in the Victorian Italianate style, and named for his wife, Annie Minta Parish.


By March 1898, a post office building opened on Firth Street, a short walk from the railway station.

Western Outfall Main Sewer, a former sewage farm outfall sewer and now ocean outfall sewer near Valda Avenue Arncliffe was constructed in 1898, The vent was demolished about 2015.


Arncliffe Railway Station, Sydney, N.S.W. - very early 1900s. The station was reconstructed into an island platform and opened in 1906.
St George Call (Kogarah, NSW : 1904 - 1957), Saturday 23 June 1906,
 St George Call (Kogarah, NSW : 1904 - 1957), Saturday 23 June 1906
Arncliffe, Sydney, N.S.W. - very early 1900s. Park St (corner of Realm St) Arncliffe looking east out to Botany Bay. Aussie Mobs
Catholic Church at Arncliffe, N.S.W. - early 1900s, Aussie Mobs
This former Methodist Church was built in 1907 and became part of the Uniting Church of Australia in 1977 and in 1980 a Coptic Orthodox Church.  Methodist services had been held in a small building in Arncliffe since 1875. St George Call (Kogarah, NSW : 1904 - 1957), Saturday 23 March 1907
Steam trams travelled up Wollongong Road from Arncliffe Station to Preddy's Road, called "The Arncliffe to Bexley Tram," from 1909 to 1926.  An hourly service ran from early morning to midnight.
Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Friday 10 September 1909
Bexlcy Tramway by the Minister for Works, the Hon. O. A. lee, M.L.A. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Wednesday 20 October 1909
Arncliffe to Bexley steam tramway opened on 13 October 1909 and operated from Arncliffe railway station, NSW, NLAUST
 Laying of he foundation-stone of St. David's Church of England, Arncliffe, NSW, Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Wednesday 26 January 1910
George Fortescue & Sons at Arncliffe made windmills and other machines.
Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Wednesday 19 July 1911
An open-air theatre opened at Arnclife in 1911.

Many Victorian, Federation or Californian Bungalow houses were built around Arncliife. (today there are many unsympathetic alterations to many of these houses)
Chinese garden at Arncliffe, NSW, Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), Tuesday 30 December 1913 (possibly, Chinese market garden of Kim Too, which was situated where Arncliffe Park is now)
St. George Cricket Premiers — ArncliffeA Team St George Call (Kogarah, NSW : 1904 - 1957), Saturday 19 April 1913
Death of Mrs. S. M. Morgan. The death occurred recently of Mrs. Susannah Maria Morgan, at her residence, "Teluba," Arncliffe, Sydney.Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Wednesday 9 July 1913 ("Teluba", used by the St George School Education Area, is a Victorian style vila on the corner of Segenhoe Street and Avenal Street)


The South Coast Waratahs were one of the recruiting marches that came through Arncliffe (1.).
Pte. R MCulloch, Arncliffe, NSW, killed, Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), Wednesday 20 October 1915
Laurences of Dove Street, Arncliffe, NSW, Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), Wednesday 4 September 1918
The pneumonic flu epidemic broke out in December 1918. (About 40 per cent of the population became ill and somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000 people died)
Arcliffe-Bexley Tram, 1915-20. NLAUST


St George Call (Kogarah, NSW : 1904 - 1957), Friday 25 November 1921
The New Lyric Theatre operated at Arncliffe in a tin shed.
St George Call (Kogarah, NSW : 1904 - 1957), Friday 1 December 1922
Arncliffe Savings Bank, NSW, ca. 1900-1927, SLNSW
David Unaipon, an Aboriginal man, whose face is on Australia's $50 note, lived in Arncliffe, during the 1920s. Read more
Bunyip (Gawler, SA : 1863 - 1954), Friday 24 August 1934
The Myee Babies' Home and Myee Hostel was established in 1926 in Arncliffe and run by the Child Welfare Department.
Steam Motor with two Trailer Carriages waiting to depart for Bexley, from Arncliffe, NSW, on the last day of operations 31st December 1926


FIERCE GUST of wind to-day swept Mr. G. Lewis's store in West Botany-street, Arncliffe, and left & trail of damage as shown above. Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Tuesday 18 November 1930
AUSTRALIAN VERSION.— Some of the Aborigines Rugby League team from the La Perouse mission station who played against the Arncliffe Scots' Club at Earl Park.The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954) View title info 
Mon 20 Aug 1934
The Round Tower Church of Arncliffe, built by Rev. Father Rafferty, andconsecrated last December. Catholic Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1932 - 1942), Thursday 9 December 1937
The Nest Girls' Home, Wollongong Rd, Arncliffe, NSW, (closed in 1969 and was converted to aged care.) Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Sunday 14 April 1935 ( example of domestic style Victorian architecture)

1940s and WWII

Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Thursday 5 June 1941
Sylvia Evans, photographed by her husband Alan, showing off her new electric refrigerator at ‘Alwyn’, Arncliffe ,Sydney, 1941. This photo may look staged, but it is not, Museums NSW
1 Wollongong Road, Arncliffe, NSW, before Al Zahra Mosque was built (nd)
Miss E. Lynch, Forest Road, Arncliffe, seeks news of her brother, Private A. T. Lynch, 2/19 2 Batt., last heard of in Singapore. Daily Mirror (Sydney, NSW : 1941 - 1955), Saturday 18 December 1943
Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Monday 26 May 1941
I'lying Ofiicer 1. J. Meliee, of ArnclilTe, awarded the DtFC for gallant service.Captain of a Lancaster bomber in England, he has been promoted In acting Flight-Lieutenant. Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Thursday 22 February 1945
Owner Ordered to Let Vacant House to Digger Owner of an Arncliffe cottage that has been vacant for 14 years was ordered by a magistrate today to let it to a "Tohruk Rat" with a wife and three children. Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Friday 13 July 1945
MR. E. ANSELL, of Arncliffe. NSW (left), says he wouldn't swap his 1907 Renault for the I9^W
Ford V8 owned by Mr. Hugh Lambert, of Dulwich Hill. Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956), Saturday 27 December 1947
Arncliffe Hotel, crn Princes Hwy and Forest Rd, Arncliffe, NSW, 1949
This four-bedroom brick house was moved 30ft. on to new foundations in Prince's Highway, Arncliffe, today, to- allow for the widening of the road. According to Mr. W. Diggelman, contractor, it was the first time an attempt had been made to move a complete brick dwelling in Australia. The house was dragged to its new foundations by winches and the job was completed in an hour without a brick being forced out of place. Preparatory work took almost three weeks. Daily Mirror (Sydney, NSW : 1941 - 1955), Tuesday 11 October 1949


Interior scenes from the film Jedda (the first film to feature Aboriginal people in lead roles) were shot at. Avondale Studios at Henderson St Turrella (next to Arncliffe), Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), Sunday 6 December 1953
Propeller (Hurstville, NSW : 1911 - 1954), Thursday 15 April 1954
Arncliffe Anglican Church, NSW, 1958


"Athelstane" mansion was demolished in the 1960s, and three two-storey school blocks were built.


The Fatima Al-Zahra Mosque, established 1980.

Fairview hosue was used as a sheltered workshop and hostel for disabled people until the mid 1980s.


The Arncliffe, NSW, vent stack, built 1898, and 27 metres in height, demolsihed, 2015

Around Arncliffe

Historically significant Fairview 197 Wollongong Road Arncliffe,, NSW, built 1890
"Gladstone and Wentworth", semi detached terrace houses on Forest Road, Arncliffe, NSW, were built in 1886 in the Victorian architectural style
Glenwood house, Arncliffe, NSW, circa 1886, built in the Victorian style 
Lourane is a Victorian style cottage on Dowling Street, Arncliffe, NSw, built 1898
Cairnsfoot  Loftus Street, Turrella, NSW,  was built from 1880 to 1884 by Edward M. Farleigh
By March 1898, a post office building opened in Firth Street, a short walk from Arncliffe, NSW, railway station

Arncliffe station, NSW, opened on 15 October 1884 
St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Church, Arncliffe, NSW, completed in 1932
Former Rosslyn Hospital, Arncliffe, NSW, (Forest Rd), Victorian style villa 
 Federation façade, 'Lidsdale', built 1902, Arncliffe, NSW 
 Former Commercial Bank of Australia, Arncliffe, NSW
Firth Street, Arncliffe, NSW
Arncllife, NSW, hertage house
Arncllife, NSW, hertage house
The former Arncliffe Fire Station, NSW, opened in 1909, now pre-school

Bexley, NSW: Many Postwar Californian and Art Deco Bungalows

Bexley, NSW, is a suburb in southern Sydney, located 14 kilometres south of the CBD. Many postwar Californian and Art Deco bungalows are fou...